What is Vaginal Steaming?
Yoni Steaming Provides Support For Women's Physical & Emotional Wellbeing. Essentially how a v-steam treatment works is the client will sit on a wooden stool, over a steaming pot of water infused with a variety of organic herbs. The client is wrapped from the waist down, around the stool, to be sure that the steam is encapsulated. The steam works to increase circulation and blood to our vagina, uterus, and cervix. The herb blends used during the treatment vary depending on your need for the steam treatment.
Benefits of Yoni Steaming
Regulate Irregular and Absent Menstrual Cycles
Increase Fertility
Relieve Chronic Vaginal and Yeast Infections
Reduce, and actually Melt, Fibroids
Reduce Ovarian Cysts
Relieve Uterine Pain
Speed Weight loss Post Birth
Assist with the Recovery from Vaginal Tear, Episiotomy, and C-Sections
Ease Symptoms of Menopause
Relieves Menstrual Pain
Increase Sexual Desire and Lubrication
Decrease Infection and Odor
Detoxify the Womb
Released Stored Negative Emotions Trapped in the Uterus
Tone the Reproductive System Post-Birth
Significantly Reduce Pain and Bloating due to Menstruation
The No No's of Yoni Steaming
Steaming in certain situations could cause too much spontaneous bleeding (two cycles in one month), could allow your birth control to not be as effective, allow harm to pregnant women by opening up the cervix, irritate the vagina if during infection or itching, clear out scar tissue. no steaming if you…
If you are pregnant
After ovulation (if attempts have been made to conceive)
If you are actively bleeding (during period or post-natal)
If you have an active internal infection and/or you have vaginal sores or blisters
Pregnant or if you think you may be pregnant (only for labor prep)
Use caution:Vagina Piercing (must be removed)
If you have an IUD or another contraceptive device in place